I have a Macbook Pro mid 2012 (2.9GHz version) and the last week these keys stopped working (there was no spillage or something similar). I tried to change the keyboard by another new and the problem did not go away... the same keys failed. Of course I tried with different external operative systems, so the problem is not because of the software. One friend of mine looked at the connector at the microscope and cleaned it. He told me that it is in a good state, and it is also true that before it stopped working I did not unplug the keyboard. I think the problem is in some track in my logic board... How could I solve my problem? can somebody help me?
Thanks a lot
Unfortunately I don't have much advice, since it sounds like you've done just about everything. Have you tried connecting an external keyboard? If the keys don't work on that keyboard, that would absolutely verify it's a board issue. If they do work on the external, it could still be a physical defect of the board, probably with the ribbon cable socket (I would guess).
I would blow compressed air into the socket, and also do all of the resets on the computer...I wouldn't expect anything to change though. Most likely the board is bad. I assume you don't have Applecare, since obviously they would swap it out?
I don't do component-level board repair, but you might want to try rossmanngroup.com. They are a reputable company and might be able to fix it for a few hundred.
Good luck, and let me know how it goes!