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xdk 360. it's important to know xdk 360 case looks a little bit different than other Xbox 360
they usually come with a bigger hard drive some without the hard drive have a cable sticking out of the console
price Rangers can go up from 500$ to 10000$ it depends what Games Studio it is example will be like activations
these can go from around $1,000 to 5,000$ to answer why it cost so much because of prototype games not for being mistake for the actual prototype game but because of this people want to pay a because they have development versions.
rgh or modded Xboxes . an modded Xboxes can have custom fans custom LED lights and custom firmware
they can usually sell for around 200$ to 500$ depended how custom it is .
regular Xbox 360 /Xboxes on rare firmware .
it worth to notice Xbox not updated and it's on the old dashboard or old
firmware version can be worth a lot an example of one of the dashboard versions will be the blaze dashboard these can be sold for 100$ to 300$
old Xbox 360 models
it's also noticed dependent how old console is some of them are more rare if they motherboards without HDMI port can be sold for 100$ an example will be like the Xenon model form 2004 a lot of the older Xbox could not survive because of the red ring of death usually resolved of it overheating CPUs Microsoft it cost $1.15 billion in damages.
Good info, thanks! I have 50 or so normal 360s, so I'll go through them and see if any are XDKs. I know I had a white one a few years ago that sold for $2-300.
no problem I like to help people with their needs